Nutrition Organic Food

How to Make a Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

Some people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we’ve all heard that old saying. However, once we’re finished with the eating, we need to water it all down, and we usually do it with a soda or some other unhealthy drink. Well, we really ought to change that, and we believe that the best replacement for an unhealthy drink is a healthy drink – a healthy smoothie. That is why we are going to tell you how to make a healthy breakfast smoothie; in order to be healthy, and eat healthier and tastier.

First of all, in order to make a smoothie, you’ll need to know what ingredients to have. Well, for this particular smoothie, you don’t need much. You’ll need 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of muesli, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, and 3 apples. We can all agree that this is something that most of us can find without any fuss.

The first thing we ought to do when it comes to preparing the drink is to slice and chop up the apples. Then, we need to make a juice of them and put that juice in a blender. Then, we also need to cut the banana into several smaller pieces, because, let’s face it, a whole banana won’t help us much. Then, after we’re done with the slicing of the banana, we should put those slices in the blender as well.

Once we’re done with the slicing, we ought to mix up the muesli and yogurt. Now, some people like muesli more and some like it less, and it is up to us to decide how much of it we ought to add to the mix. But, it is advised to stick to the measurements mentioned here. Then, once we’ve mixed the muesli and yogurt together, we need to pour it into the blender, together with all the other ingredients that are already there.

Then, we ought to turn on the blender, and blend the ingredients for about 20 seconds (or at least until you see that everything is blended together perfectly). And, that’s it; you’ve successfully made a healthy smoothie that you can drink with your breakfast. You can make be sure that you’re drinking something that is perfectly healthy, and that with this smoothie, the most important meal of the day will definitely keep you vibrant and energetic enough to get through the rest of the day.